Thursday, July 7, 2011

Nature vs. Nurture? The Truth Revealed

I've mentioned Natures without explaining what it is they really are. Natures affect how your stats turn out as you raise a pokemon. There are many Natures, and each one will boost one stat and lower another, except for the 5 neutral Natures, that neither raise nor lower any stat. A handy little chart to help you decide Natures.

But what do the stats mean? Why should one stat be more important than another? Allow me to show you.

Attack: This stat determines how powerful your Physical-based attacks will be.

Defense: This stat will determine how much damage you take from a Physical-based attack.

Sp. Attack: This stat determines how powerful your Special-based attacks will be.

Sp. Defense: This stat determines how much damage you take from a Special-based attack.

Speed: This stat determines when you will attack in battle, the highest speed attacks first, the lowest attacks last(except for attacks that bypass this, such as Quick Attack or Dragon Tail).

Some attacks will go around the rules of these stats, however. Psyshock is a Special-based Attack, but will attack the enemy at its Defense stat rather than it's Sp. Defense stat. Bullet Punch will make the user attack first. Dragon Tail will make the user attack last. There are many other attacks like these that bypass the laws of stats. There are certain abilities that do this as well, for example, Stall makes you attack last.

Different pokemon work better with different Natures. The Vulpix I recently put up, for example, it uses only Special-based attacks, meaning its Attack stat will go unused. So for this pokemon, we'd want a Nature that lowers your Attack and raises something useful. We look look at the pretty chart, and see that the Attack-lowering Natures are Bold, Timid, Modest, and Calm.

The Growlithe I put up is a little more tricky. He uses both a Special-based attack and a Physical-based attack. Lowering Defense or Sp. Defense wouldn't be smart ever, really. Nobody likes low Speed. The stats of Arcanine are fairly well-balanced, so we don't really want to lower any of them. So we would want a neutral Nature. So we see in the chart that the neutral Natures are Hardy, Docile, Serious, Bashful, and Quirky.

Let's look at Sableye. This pokemon will have the Stall ability, meaning he will go last. This means his Speed stat is pretty much pointless. So why not get a Nature that lowers Speed and raises something else? We look at the chart and see the Natures we'd want are Brave, Relaxed, Quiet, and Sassy.

Also, if the female pokemon in breeding(or the ditto substituting for the female) is holding the Everstone item, there is a 50% chance that that pokemon's Nature will carry through to the baby. A good technique to get a Ditto with a nice Nature, I have a Calm one, and let it hold the Everstone when it's appropriate(like for the Vulpix for example).

This isn't directly related to breeding, but if the Pokemon leading your party has the ability Synchronize, a wild Pokemon you encounter has a 50% chance of having the same Nature as the Pokemon with Synchronize. This can be useful if you are searching for a certain Pokemon with certain Natures.

There are a lot of things to look at when deciding your Nature. Your moveset, the Pokemon's Base Stats, and so forth. So just study the Pokemon you'll be breeding and figure out what you think will be the best approach.

In the Battle Park/Frontier/Subway, you can purchase items called "Power ---". Each of these help your pokemon grow stronger in that particular stat on lv up. The Power Anklet, for example, will help your pokemon to level up with more Speed boost. Similar items are the Vitamins availible for purchase at the regional malls, or the Park/Frontier/Subway. These items are one-time use, but will make your pokemon stronger in their given stats, and as a nice bonus, will make your pokemon a little happier.

Through breeding for a desired Nature and using the Vitamins and Power items, you can breed pokemon with unimaginable stat increases. Have you ever seen a Crobat get +11 Speed in one level up? I have.

Brock out.

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