Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Cheaters of the Breeding World

There are 2 pokemon that exist in the game that made breeding much easier.

First, there is Ditto. Ditto is a pokemon that can breed with any pokemon that can breed at all. It breeds with male or female pokemon. This is useful if you are in need of a different gender of a certain pokemon for breeding reasons(for example, you need a female Gastly but you only have a male). Or if you are giving a friend a pokemon, this is the easy way to do it.

Then there is Smeargle. Smeargle is a member of the "Field" egg group, so he can only breed with Field pokemon. Now the thing about Smeargle is that it can learn any move in existance. This means it can breed any combination of egg moves into a pokemon if the Smeargle is the male. Smeargle learns the move Sketch, and you can learn moves through doing Double Battles with the pokemon that has the move you desire to teach your Smeargle. For example, if you want Smeargle to learn Mean Look, you would send it into a Double Battle with a pokemon that knows Mean Look. After that pokemon uses Mean Look, have Smeargle use Sketch on that pokemon. Smeargle will now know Mean Look until you decide to erase it.

Now I have a problem with Smeargles. They annoy me. I'm not a racist or anything in the real world, but I do not enjoy my pokemon being tainted with the blood of a Smeargle, even if it doesn't truly do anything. It's just the knowledge that this horrible Picasso-wannabe is a part of my pokemon. So I tend to dilute the Smeargle blood by breeding the offspring with its mother, or a Ditto if I'll get the same result.

Incest is better than tainted blood.

Brock Out.

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