Thursday, July 7, 2011

Faster than the Speed of Breed

This section will discuss how to speed up the breeding process. Let's start with getting an egg.

First of all, recall the basic rules of breeding as explained in the first post, what pokemon can breed with others and which cannot. Now when you talk to the Day-Care Man, he'll say how well your pokemon are getting along with each other;

1) "They seem to get along very well" - fastest egg production rate
2) "They seem to get along" - average egg production rate
3) "They don't seem to like each other" - slowest egg production rate
4) "They prefer to play with other pokemon" - no egg production, pokemon are not compatible

The way(s) to achieve the fastest egg production:

1) Two pokemon of the same species with different ID numbers.

The way(s) to achieve average egg production:

1) Two pokemon of the same species with the same ID number.
2) Two pokemon of different species with different ID numbers.

The way(s) to achieve the slowest egg production:

1) Two pokemon of different species with the same ID number.

So that's how to get the eggs. I highly recommend migrating a Ditto and male Smeargle from a game, so you can use them to breed and still have a decent egg production rate.

The fastest ways to hatch an egg once you have it, just follow these guidelines:

1) Have a pokemon with Flame Body or Magma Armor for its ability in your party, it halves the hatch time
2) Ride your Bicycle, it makes you go twice as fast, there for halving the hatch time(again!)
3) Use a nice straight area to hatch your pokemon, it makes things easier. In Unova games, the Skyarrow Bridge is best. In Sinnoh, the right-most edge of the dirt road by the Day-Care Center is best. For Johto, the middle path of Goldenrod is your best bet.

Use these tips to get what you want faster!

Brock out.

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