Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Genders in the Pokemon Universe

In the Pokemon Universe, there are 3 genders of pokemon. The Males, the Females, and the Genderless pokemon. Let's go a little into these before I give more of my own builds.

Firstly, Genderless pokemon can only get eggs through breeding with a Ditto. This means that breeding for egg moves is impossible, and in fact, breeding anything into them is futile.

The Females decide the gender of the pokemon that will come from the egg. The Females also allow you to breed moves the pokemon would eventually learn into the egg, but only if the Male you are breeding with also knows the move.

The Males have the power to decide what moves the offspring will hatch with. They control egg moves, TMs, and contribute equally in the eventually-learned moves.

If a Male breeds with a Ditto, any TMs and egg moves that pokemon has will carry through. If a Female breeds with a Ditto, prepare to have a basic pokemon.

The Males have much more power in breeding than the Females. Generally, I want my final pokemon in my breeding to be Male, so that if I want, I can carry the moves through to other pokemon, or breed with a Ditto if I just want to help a friend. So I treat Female pokemon the same way I treat Female humans;

"Use 'em, and Lose 'em."

Brock Out.

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