Friday, August 19, 2011

Vullaby, the Diapered Pokemon

The baby bird of all pokemon, so young she wears a diaper! Well, as we all know, babies make you hate life. So let me show you how this baby will make your opponent hate life! The moveset is the following;

Psych Up

It's a little risky, but it has an excellent payoff. You use Swagger on the enemy 3 times, maximizing his attack and confusing him at the same time. Psych Up will copy that stat change, maximizing your Attack as well. Punishment will have a base power of 180 after the enemy has 6 increased stat changes. The STAB makes that 270, tack on a Life Orb, it becomes 351. Having the maximized Attack boost will turn that into 1404 power. To date, that is the highest power I've encountered(granted, it's a bit under 9000, but still pretty good). Roost is good for healing, especially since it will get rid of all 3 of your weaknesses and replace them w/ 2 others, good for tricking your opponent.

But how does one get this nasty behemoth of a baby? Follow the process!

1) Teach a male Unfezant Swagger and Psych Up through their respective TMs, and Roost through level up.
2) Breed that male Unfezant with a female Vullaby/Mandibuzz(they only come in female brand anyhow) with Big Pecks, and the Nature should be one that lowers Sp. Attack(Adamant, Impish, or Careful).
3) Level up the offspring to lv 28 to teach it Punishment.

It's easy as that, and just that great. The only thing you really have to worry about is being killed by pumping up the foe's Attack so much, but between the Confusion, Mandibuzz's overall defensiveness, and Roost, you should stay alive. Questions, comments?

A special thanks to Max, he thought up the initial Swagger/Psych Up strategy, I just added Punishment and STAB and such to make it better.

Brock out.

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