Friday, August 5, 2011

Skarmory, the Armor Bird Pokemon

OK, my appologies for the inactivity, I've been testing some of the theorhetical builds I previously posted(so far, they all work beautifully). Anyway, I've recently been toying with Skarmory, and I discovered a clever little plan for this guy. NOTE: This requires Generation IV.

Stealth Rock
Steel Wing

He likes to lay traps! At the start of a match, set out Stealth Rock, and 3 layers of Spikes. Then you keep Roaring at the enemy if you are still alive. By doing this, the enemy continues to take damage from being forced to switch out. Steel Wing is for when you reach the final pokemon on the opposing team. But with this plan, you can make the opposing pokemon lose up to 75% of its HP just by switching out!

So let's see how you can acquire this iron-plated aviator;

1) In Generation IV, use TMs to teach a male Skarmory Roar and Stealth Rock.
2) Raise that Skarmory to lv 34, teaching it Steel Wing and Spikes.
3) Raise a female Skarmory to lv 28 to teach it Spikes.
4) Breed these two in order to make Skarmory eggs with the desired moveset. The Ability should be Sturdy, and the Nature should be something that lowers Sp. Attack, Impish Careful or Jolly are good choices.
NOTE: Once you get Stealth Rock on Skarmory, you can do the breeding in Generation V.

I know, you're thinking "Couldn't I just use the TMs, and lv it up, and not do the breeding? Why go through all that extra work?"

Well you're right. But don't you want to share with your friends? Are you REALLY that selfish? You sicken me.

But yes, that's my idea for a trapper Skarmory, It has been tested and it works beautifully. Comments/questions, anyone?

Brock out.

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