Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Chansey, the Egg Pokemon

Hipster Chansey: "I had eggs BEFORE they were a thing". It only makes sense that we cover it in this blog. The build I use is...


IVs: 31 HP, 31 Sp. Defense, 31 Speed
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Sp. Defense, 4 Speed

It's essentially a stall wall build. Hold a Focus Sash. First turn use Protect, to judge which type of build the opponent will be using. If the opponent is a special attacker, use Toxic and stall using Softboiled healing and Protect. If the opponent uses a physical attack, use Counter and it's practically a guaranteed knockout because of Blissey's insanely high HP.

This build is intended for single battles only. Additionally, if the opponent is Abomasnow, Tyranitar, or Hippowdon, get out of there before taking weather damage! After a Counter-kill, you'll most likely be at 1 HP. The major benefit of this build is that you get the switch-in advantage, meaning whatever your opponent sends in after finishing off that 1 HP, you get to see what it is and send out your next Pokemon accordingly. But if your Blissey is faster than what he sends in, either heal with Softboiled if you know it's a special attacker, or if it's a physical attacker use Toxic to give it something to remember you by! But the main idea behind the build is get a kill and have the switch-in advantage. Anything else this Blissey manages to accomplish should be considered icing on the cake.

To get Blissey...

(1) Breed a male Breloom that knows Counter, Toxic, and Protect with a Chansey or Blissey.
(2) Aim for either a Timid, Hasty, Calm, or Gentle Nature, depending on your personal preference (Timid & Hasty boost Speed, Calm & Gentle boost Sp. Defense). The Natural Cure ability is best for it. Level up to teach it Softboiled. You may prefer to have Rest for your healing over Softboiled, it is entirely up to you. I use Softboiled myself.

Again, do not expect great results from this guy in Double Battles, he is designed for Single Battles.

And on an administrative note, my apologies for lack of posting, college is intense lately. I'll try to update more over the upcoming winter break. Also, I'm still on Gen V games until I can afford a 3DS. Just be patient, once I get to play X & Y I'll update everything accordingly. Until then, I did post updated breeding mechanics for Gen VI a bit over a month ago.

Brock out.

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